
    Why You Should Hire a Car Accident Attorney

    A Missouri car accident attorney can help you file a claim within the state’s statute of limitations. They can also walk you through the entire claims process and represent you in court if necessary.

    After a car accident, your focus should be on healing physically and emotionally. You shouldn’t have to worry about dealing with frustrating insurance representatives or paying high medical bills.

    What We Can Do For You

    Car accidents can be very traumatic, especially if you were injured. Taking the right steps after an accident is crucial. This includes getting medical care immediately. It is important to see a doctor to find out the extent of your injuries. If you skip this step, it could be a mistake that will cost you in the long run.

    Another thing to do is call the police. This is a requirement under Missouri law if your crash caused more than $500 worth of property damage, injuries or deaths. You should also take pictures of the scene, including skid marks and other debris.

    A good Missouri car accident attorney can help you determine how much your case is worth and will work to get you the compensation you deserve. They can help you deal with the insurance companies and if necessary, take your case to court. They know how to build a strong case that insurance companies can’t ignore and how to negotiate for maximum value.

    We Can Help You Deal With Insurance Companies

    Car accident cases are complex and require careful attention to detail. An experienced St. Louis car accident lawyer can uncover details that you may have missed – such as the fact that the person who hit you was using their phone or that your injuries were more severe and nagging than you initially believed.

    Insurance companies have teams of adjusters, investigators, and lawyers whose job is to limit their company’s liability. They will use techniques that they have honed over time to try to get you to admit fault and reduce your compensation.

    A skilled Missouri car accident attorney knows how to counter their tactics and negotiate for a fair settlement. They can also help you determine what damages you are entitled to receive based on the severity of your injuries and financial losses. They will also know when an insurance company is acting in bad faith and take steps to hold them accountable. This is especially important if the other driver lacks insurance.

    We Can Help You Get the Compensation You Deserve

    The financial impact of car accidents can be extensive. Medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering are just a few of the expenses that can be incurred after a crash. It’s important to have an experienced car accident lawyer handling your case so you can get the compensation you deserve.

    A good Missouri car accident attorney will know all the tricks insurance companies use to minimize or deny your claim. They’ll also be able to spot when an insurance company is acting in bad faith and hold them accountable.

    If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident in St. Louis, contact us for a free evaluation of your case today. Our team of award-winning attorneys will work to build a strong car accident claim and negotiate with the insurance company to ensure that you are fully compensated for your losses. If necessary, we will file a lawsuit on your behalf.

    We Can Take Your Case to Court

    When an insurance company refuses to resolve your car accident claim, we can file a lawsuit. It is important that you do this quickly so that the statute of limitations does not expire.

    We will build your case to include all of your damages including current and future medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and non-economic damages such as physical pain and suffering. We will consult with medical experts and other accident reconstruction specialists to build a strong case for maximum compensation.

    You will need to prove four elements of negligence in order to recover damages. Negligence is a legal term that means the defendant owed you a duty to act in a reasonable manner, but they breached this duty by acting carelessly or recklessly and that caused your injuries. It can be complicated to understand all of the factors that go into determining liability and the amount of damages you deserve. The average settlement for a Missouri car accident case varies, depending on the extent of your losses.

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